In the case where buds are blackened all the way back, those will not leaf out from the damaged buds, and flowers will most likely be less. Some stems could be damaged as well. I am recommending waiting to see what comes out in the early spring, and quickly removing bad limbs once it is apparent they are not going to produce.

This little lesson on Hydrangea pruning on highlights the whole process, as the issues of winter are different every year. Some of the aspects I've not mentioned are bloom removal and tipping back some canes. I would prefer you only try to remove the old flower, and no more for fear of removing all the buds. Misunderstanding of where to cut is easier done than not, so I don't recommend for you to try tipping.

H. tardeva (left) is a wonderful plant which can be cut very hard now. In the picture, I keep this one large because of the location, which has room to allows for size. In other places, we must cut them much more to allow use of a path, or a patio space.
H. paniculata (PeeGee) is another variety which can be cut now to contain and control the size of this massive variety.
Hydrangea 'Annabelle' is a low variety which can be kept low by cutting it back, but I wouldn't lower them to less than a foot.
You should be finishing up many varieties of plants in the Atlanta area gardens now. Abelia, Althea (Rose of Sharon), Barberry, Beautyberry, Butteryfly Bushes, Camellia Sasanqua, Crape Myrtle, Helleborous (Lenten Rose), Hydrangeas, Japanese Spirea, Liriope, Mahonia, Nandina, Ornamental Grasses, Osmanthus Tea Olive, Sweetshrub, Vitex,
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